odd numbers|odd number in English

umbers which leave a remainder of one when divided by two; single leftover issues of a publicatio

Use "odd numbers|odd number" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "odd numbers|odd number" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "odd numbers|odd number", or refer to the context using the word "odd numbers|odd number" in the English Dictionary.

1. Recto: Book pages bearing odd page numbers.

2. Consecutive odd numbers near 12 are 11 and 13

3. The smallest odd abundant number is 945.

4. Example: The product of two Consecutive odd numbers is 143

5. Since the product of an even number and an odd number is always even, the product of two Consecutive numbers (and, in fact, of any number of Consecutive numbers) …

6. Given two Consecutive numbers, one must be even and one must be odd

7. The odd willow.

8. It was odd.

9. Takamura is the subject of a number of odd stories and legends.

10. Guess which number of the following sequence is the odd one out.

11. His behavior is odd.

12. What an odd man!

13. He's an odd bod.

14. Seems an odd question.

15. They say there is divinity in odd numbers , either in nativity, chance, or death. Away!

16. Note that the verso always carries the even page number and the recto the odd number.

17. After this, on late dinner table many about odd number, prime number and Goldbach's conjecture discussion.

18. Consecutive odd integers are odd integers that follow each other by the difference of 2

19. Even and Odd Consecutive Integers

20. Apriori Algorithm – An Odd Name

21. He was wearing odd socks.

22. Three patterns of n-Alkanets are the odd-to-even carbon predominance, the even-to-odd carbon predominance, and the even and odd carbon predominance coexisting, respectively.

23. Antics [ˈӕntiks] odd or amusing behavior

24. I threw away the odd glove.

25. There's something odd about that man.